Sponsor Spotlight: Enticing Treats


As you know, I LOVE supporting my sponsors & handmade business owners...today we are going to get to know Tempestt & I will be "modeling" some of her amazing headbands! So, let's show some support to Tempestt, owner of Enticing Treats. Take it away Tempestt:

Hello! My name is Tempestt and I'm a stay at home mom/wife/crafter in small Grants Pass, Oregon. I crochet and hand sew accessories. This is my little shop on etsy & here is a little more about me:

In 3 words I am: Mom. Wife. Crafter.
I can’t live without: (Besides my family!!!) My iced caramel mocha! My husband bought me an espresso machine for my birthday last month so I can make my favorite cofffee stand drink at home :)
My favorite Blogs are: jessicaNdesigns(of course!) Wonder Forest and {just.lovely.things} are my top 3 favs
This is how I like to Relax: Sitting on my work stoll, sewing flowers.
My favorite Tv Shows: I looooove Parks and Rec and The Office on NBC
My favorite materials to work with are: Cotton fabrics and buttons
My Hometown: Corvallis, Oregon
My favorite room in my house is: The kitchen/dining room
Because: It's the main "hang out" room and where I have my crafting "station" as I like to call it.

My favorite vacation was in: The middle of the woods on The Illinois River (in Southern Oregon) camping.
My guilty pleasure is: Candy! Sour gummies and caramel...great mix, right?!
I feel naked without: my cell phone
I fear: deep open water, hights, spiders, snakes....I can go on...haha
This is what makes me smile: My babies smiling and being goofy, and a good joke!
You may not know this about me: I also make fancy fondant cakes and cupcakes! I make all the cakes for family birthdays, baby showers, and other special events. I learned it all from TV and practicing at home!
My Worst Habit: Not doing the dishes :/
I want to learn to: Re-upholster furniture!
My advice to other Etsy Sellers: Be polite, respond quickly and offer a wide variety.
My typical day is: pretty chaotic! I have two daughters, a nearly 2 year old and a nearly 7 month old, so there's lots of silliness!
I stay inspired by: Looking outside and seeing pretty color combinations.
3 tools in my studio I can't live without: My scissors, my favorite sewing needles and my glue gun. 

Thank you for sharing Tempestt!! I had so much fun modeling the pretty headbands you sent me!!! 

When Tempestt said she was going to send me some headbands from her shop, she asked what colors I like. I told her I am into mustard & teal and Coral & mint...and she delivered!!! I LOVE this coral and mint headband so much!!

Want your own Enticing Treats? Then Tempestt has a little something for you:

Code: JESSICA is good for 45% off!

 Head on over to her shop & get yourself a little something pretty! And go say Hi to Tempestt on facebook! Let's show her some love & support!

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