Monday Mash Up & a little of what's on my heart


I Love Chocolate & Teal...this mash up feels like fall to me.
I talked about what I love about fall the other day...

Find these lovely treasures:

A little of what's been on my heart:

I was reading a lovely post by Casey yesterday and it struck home with me. Her blog is so honest, and she is such a lovely person and an inspiration to me.  We have chatted a few times via email and she is someone I would love to meet in person one day for a "coffee date."  ;)

Anyway, Casey was talking about how she received a comment that people don't like when she does posts about sponsors and giveaways. {which I do like by the way...I think she does a fabulous job of mixing those post with personal posts} But, it got me thinking about my blog & something that has been on my heart lately as well. 

As you know, I love to do Monday Mash ups, sponsor spotlights and feature other handmade shops.  This is something I have a passion about...not just because sometimes I receive free gifts from other shops to review or that I just like doing giveaways on this blog...but because I have a passion for helping other handmade shops however i can.

I am so blessed that my business has taken off how it has and that it allows me to stay at home with my kids & earn extra income for my family, while doing something I truly love!  And I want to Bless other Moms, women, men (etc.) who also have handmade businesses & work hard at doing what they love.  If I can do that by blogging, spreading the word on facebook, doing a product review or giveaway....that is what I want to do. That is part of my purpose for this blog.  

I have been sitting down lately and thinking about what else I want this blog to be {it seems to be an ever changing thing, it has taken time for my blog to really become what I want, and I assume that will continue to change and grow.} But one thing I keep coming back to is that I want to share more about me, my family, my faith, my struggles, my triumphs. I am hoping to do just that very soon!

I also want this blog to be like a community, where we help each other, share ideas, be creative, inspiring, make new friends...

I hope you like where I am and where I want to go with this blog & I hope you want to come along with me for the ride! 

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