Adorable January Calender Freebie from Mandipidy! It's hanging in my office!
I am not going to pretend that I am not shocked it is already 2013. This past year has been such a blessing. I am humbled daily at the success my business has become + so grateful that I can do something that I truly love.
I was going to do a resolutions/best of 2012 post, and maybe I still will, but I realized something that deep down I actually already knew. I am not a great blogger. There, it feels so awesome to get that out there.
There are so many amazing bloggers out there, ones that I admire so very much. Ones that I am so inspired + challenged by. And I will be honest, I find myself comparing, wishing I could write as beautifully as them. Wishing I could express myself as wonderfully as they do. It is hard not to do that, isn't it?
At times like that, I find myself feeling pressured to post something, anything. And when I feel like that one of two things happens. I either post something I don't really like or feel proud of OR I stop posting regularly all together. I have found that lately the latter is happening.
And you know what? I realized's OK. I don't have to pressure myself into posting daily. I don't have to be so hard on myself, I don't have to feel guilty if I don't write anything for a few days. I don't want to feel all that pressure. If I am too busy, or tired or just uninspired, I don't want to feel like I HAVE to get something out there.
And that realization is so liberating!
I love blogging. It's a way to connect with people, document my life, share the things I love & be a part of this amazing world I have grown to love so much. And I don't want to lose sight of that & why I started blogging in the first place.
So as a resolution of sorts, I guess in 2013 I want to remember that, and lose the unnecessary pressure I had been putting on myself.
So, now that I got all that off my chest (and man, does it feel good) here's a little peek into what I have been up to lately:
New gold & pewter options will be added to the shop very soon!
My Uncle giving my office a makeover!
I can't wait to show it to you when it is all done!
Family movie nights are the best!
My sweet little heart overflows...
Me in the studio! I LOVE what I do!
Made some hand stamped gift tags this year!
The SWEETEST little doll for Lucy..I love her as much as she does!

What have you been up to? Any fun plans for the weekend?