I have an obvious love for handmade + the handmade community! I find it fascinating to take a peek "behind the scenes" and learn about the handmade designers behind my favorite products. So out of that love, 'In the Studio' was born!
♥ In The Studio is a fun way to meet some of my favorite designers & artists, get to know more about their work and what inspires them, take a tour of their studio & learn some fun tid bits about them!
Today I am thrilled to have Stephanie from Life Created:

Thank you to Jessica for allowing the chance to share my little "studio" aka: guest room with my craft table ;)
If anyone comes to stay over at our house, they have to share a room with my crafts.
What's created in your studio? I make a lot of things such as: custom dollhouse furniture, paper crafts, and sewing-related goodies. Our house is only a 3 bedroom house, and since we have 2 daughters (who share a room), we have this room for the occasional guest and my crafty things. Rarely does it look this tidy, because I am a messy crafter. I jump from idea to idea without much desire for clean up, but that is something I am working on. I have been known to take over the kitchen table for bigger projects.
Most recently, I have been trying to get my name to other shops for product photography opportunities. I love taking pictures of things and making the creative beauty of them shine in pictures.
What does a normal day of work look like? My "work" is done at random times. I live my days according to my kids, so if they happen to nap at the same time, that is my "me" time. A lot of my projects are done after they go to bed at night and when my husband want his video game time. Sometimes we spend all day in our pjs, and thats ok!
Where do you find inspiration? Everything I see outside, in magazines, in thrift stores...I just am constantly thinking about how I can make something my own.
How did your business start? I actually started about 3 years ago by making handmade invitations for weddings and other events. After my 2nd daughter was born last year, I made the switch to making only things I loved and things that can be done with family and for family. Now, I changed the name of my business, set new ground rules for my ETSY shop, and am much happier not making 150 of the same thing for one order. Whew!! Photography is one of my newer loves.
How do you balance your work and your personal life? My kids and husband take most of my time, so I have been known to eek out any second I can to make something I have in mind. If I have to stay up til 2am, I can, because creating gives me an adrenaline rush.
Any tips for success that have really helped you? I have learned a lot from inspiring bloggers like JessicaN, and others. They've taught me to make goals, stick to the things you love and don't change for others.
What has been your biggest accomplishment so far? I wish I had big accomplishments, but really I am lucky if I get 2 comments on one post! LOL...I look for the little things.
Secret dream/goal for your business? I would love to be featured in a magazine or get more product photography jobs.
Let's Play a little "This or That" Shall We?
coffee or tea? Iced coffee! ;)
vintage or new? I love vintage things
DVD or big screen? DVD...Im a home-body
big city or small town? Small town
Book or movie? Movie
flats or heels? Flats for sure!
stay in or go out? Both are good, but mostly staying in is what I choose
hugs or kisses? Hard to choose....hugs I think
lip gloss or lip stick? Lip gloss
silver or gold? Definitely silver
jewelry or gadgets? Gadgets
♥ Go visit Stephanie & tell her you came from her studio tour on jessicaNdesigns!
♥ Interested in being featured in an "In The Studio' Post? Email me!