Don't Give Up on Me Lord


image via jessicaNdesigns on Pinterest

You know how it feels when you try and try over and over for the same thing and you keep failing? I have been feeling like that lately. 

I have always had a temper, been quick to anger and had little or no patience. I'm not proud of it. I struggle with it, I get angry or impatient and then I end up regretting it...crying out to God asking for His help, because I failed again

Chris Young sings a song called "The Man I Wanna Be" and in it he says "Well I know this late at night that talk is cheap, but Lord, don't give up on me."  

(!) This is exactly how I feel most nights...I want to be a light in this world for the Lord, to live up to the Spirit that is in me, to love like He loved me...but my sinful nature sometimes gets in the way. And I end the day sad, frustrated & feeling like I failed. Praying the SAME prayer asking for God to change my heart & my attitude. I feel like He is up there tired of me asking the same thing over & over...

But I know He isn't. I know He is patient, kind, loving, forgiving. I know He will help me, no matter how many times I fail. No matter how many times I miss the mark and have to ask to be put back on track. He never gives up on us. 
image via Katie Daisy on Etsy

So I am not going to give up either. I know I will fail. I know I will have to continue asking for His help. I know some days will be harder than others. But I will choose to be filled with Joy, to remember that God does not give up on us. That he cares for us. I will continue to seek Him & the desires He has for my life. 

It won't be easy...but then, the good things never are!

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. - 1 Peter 5:7

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