Inspiration Workshop Week 8: My Inspiration


It's week 8 of Inspiration Workshop with Gussy Sews & this week's prompt is: 

I have always been inspired by fabric. When I was younger, I wanted to be a fashion designer. I don't know what happens to me when I see a pretty stack of fabric...I get all excited & I just want to create something.'s a secret, I can't even sew. Weird right?!  I  have always wanted to learn, and I WILL someday.

Pretty Vintage floral fabrics have really been a source of inspiration for me lately. I have pondered the idea of incorporating some pretty fabric into the packaging of my vintage silverware for a while now, I even bought this pretty fabric when I thought of the idea. The other day I came across the picture above on pinterest (Come follow me!) and it made up my mind...I WILL be incorporating fabric into my packaging! I am really excited about it! You just never know where and when inspiration will strike!

Previous week's inspiration posts here!

Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop!
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