In The Studio with Meag of Heart & Soul Pieces.


Last month I debuted my "In The Studio" monthly blog series with a studio tour from Casey Wiegand.  

 In the Studio is meant to be a fun way to meet some amazing designers & artists, get to know more about their work and what inspires them, take a tour of their studio & learn some fun "out of the studio" tid bits about them!  

Today I am excited to introduce you to Meag of Heart & Soul Pieces. PLUS she has a special treat for us...a VIDEO TOUR of her studio! HOW FUN! Take it away Meag:

Hello again JessicaNdesign readers! 

I'm Meag! Remember me?! I did a little DIY post before and I am back answering some questions and taking you on a little tour inside my studio! I have some photos and my FIRST vlog! 
Enjoy! xo

My First Ever Vlog!

1. What is created in your studio?
I create handmade vintage inspired jewelry and accessories for my indie biz Heart & Soul Pieces.
I am also a craftaholic so I am always working on DIY's and personal projects as well!
2. Work us through a normal day.
Well unfortunately my indie biz isn't my only job. I don't have a lot of time to work on things right now so I sneak them in on my days off! Those days, I usually wake up early and get right to work and before I know it it's 7:00pm and where did the day go?! I usually accomplish A LOT in a day as I focus on it for hours on end!
3. What inspires you?
SO many different things: nature, fashion, friends and of course the holy grail: Pinterest.

4. Favorite thing you create.
I have a couple of favorite pieces I have made. As most of my pieces are one of a kind or limited edition it's definitely hard to part with them sometimes. Some of my absolute favourites include THIS bracelet and THIS necklace.
5. Do you have an in home studio? Or is your studio space away from home?
My studio is in my two bedroom apartment in Montreal. It's quant and cozy and I love it. I just wish there was a little more natural light. I have to take all my pictures outside (in the winter it's the worst!) because the sun doesn't come through the window very well. When we move into our next place big windows will definitely be on my request list :)

6. How do you balance your work and your family life?
Luckily for me I don't have children, for now :) I don't think I would be able to handle a job, an indie biz AND some little munchkins. How do you crazy mamas do it?! :)
7. Any tips for success that have really helped you out?
Read, read, read, read. Oh and read! The more knowledge you can take in on your craft/biz the better. I am always taking courses, reading blogs and photo tutorials. You can never have enough knowledge.
If you are interested in a great course check out THIS one.

8. Biggest mistake with you made with your business.
Not starting sooner. I pushed it off for so long because I didn't think I was "ready" but really you learn as you go and its ever evolving.

9. Best part of owning your own business?
I LOVE seeing my jewelry on happy customers. Nothing is better. 

10. Worst?
That I can't spend more time on it. But I am working on that ;) Slowly but surely. Check out one of my biz dreams HERE

11. Favourite part of your studio.
My desk. My dad gave it to me. Its wide and perfect and wonderful.

12. What has been your biggest accomplishment so far?
Having my jewelry displayed in a store back in my home town North Bay, ON. It felt like I actually accomplished something :)

13. Secret dream for your business?
You can read all about it HERE. :) ahhhhh dreams! But I'd also like to one day have a "bricks and mortar" shop and teach classes and what not :)

14. What kind of music is on your studio playlist?
Some of my favourites include: Ingrid Michaelson, Eliza Doolittle, She & Him and my Canadian lover Michael Buble. 

Outside the Studio:
Coffee or Tea: Tea! Wanna do a tea swap?! Email me!
Vintage or New: Vintage all the way!
Text or Call: Text. Calls take too long ;)
DVD or Theatre: ooo tough one. I like cuddle dates on the couch but also popcorn at the movies :)
Book or Movie: If I've read the book I'll hate the movie. But if I haven't read the book I'll love the movie.
Flats or Heels: Heels.
Stay in or Go out: Winter - stay in. Summer - go out.
Hugs or Kisses: Hugs. 20 second hug a day. Try it.
Lip gloss or Lip stick: Stick. Don't like sticky gloss.
Silver or Gold: Rose Gold.
Comedy or Drama: I like both!
Cook or Take out: I LOVE to cook!
Jewelry or Gadgets: oooo can't pick. love little knick knacks!

I hope you enjoyed my little tour of my studio! Come stop by my blog and say "HI"! I'd love to get to know you! XO

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I hoped you enjoyed being In The Studio with Meag! You can read last month's In the Studio post with Casey Wiegand here.  Stay tuned for Next Month's In The Studio tour! :)
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