Pretty Little Lion Sponsor Feature & Giveaway


Hello Pretties!! My name is Jillian and I am the Queen Lioness over at Pretty Little Lion Designs/Life of a Lioness.  I'm a wandering flower child in love with a redhead. I enjoy all things troublesome, laughing, and spending time chasing after my fur-baby Steweylicious.  In my "free" time I like to create hair blooms that allow women to sparkle and shine & get their mane roaring with the confidence of a lioness! Here is some more about me:

In 3 words I am: nerdy,sarcastic,emotional
3 of my favorite things are: My hubs, my pooch, and handbags.
My favorite Blogs are: On a daily basis I stalk Simply Sadie Jane, Little Miss Momma, Love Stitched, and Vintage Wannabee...but there are TONS more.
My favorite vacation was in: Disneyland!! I'm a child at heart.
To Relax I: usually watch a horror movie with my pooch, since my hubs is too scared to watch them. It's strange I know.
My Hometown: Olympia,WA
My favorite room in my house is: our bedroom. 
Because: I love the warmth and coziness of my bed. It doesn't hurt that it's the only room, no one else is suppose to go in besides my hubs {our current living situation is different}.
My guilty pleasure is: Any of the Real Housewife shows. They are catty, drama filled, and spoiled. Yet, somehow I cannot turn away.
I feel naked without: a bra. I have to wear one...ALWAYS.  Or else, the girls just hang too low for me. At 28 years old, I feel uncomfortable when my lady lumps are at my ankles.
I fear: I won't be able to conceive children. It would crush my whole world.
This is what makes me smile:  {photos of hubs and pup}
You may not know this about me: When my hubs and I were dating, he went to kiss me and I screamed out "High-Five" and my hand assumed the position. Yep, instead of a kiss, we high-fived. I just wasn't ready yet.
I want to learn to: Sew. My grams taught me once, but my PJ's turned out completely off {one leg was longer than the other}. I gave up my dreams of being a fashion designer that day.
My favorite item I bought from another shop is: My Kristi Hoskins Gifts White Bow Headband. It's super cute, goes with everything, and is comfortable!
My typical day is: kind of crazy...I get up, goto my big girl job, head home to my hubs, and try to wrangle him the rest of the night.

I stay inspired by: my newest love...Pinterest! 
3 things that have helped my business are: supportive friends & customers, blogging, being myself.
My favorite materials to work with are: sparkling crystals, sheer fabrics, and seam binding ribbon.
3 tools in my studio I can't live without: my new Silhouette Sd, my needle and thread, and a comfy spot on the floor.  I can't work at a desk.


Get a WHOPPING 30% off  using code SPARKLE30.

Jillian is GIVING AWAY a $50 shop Credit!! 

Here is how to enter:
Leave a separate comment for each thing you do!
  1. Visit her shop & tell me your favorite item
  2. Become a fan of Pretty Little Lion on Facebook and tell her I sent you!
  3. Add Pretty Little Lion Designs to your Etsy Favorties
  4. Take my BLOG SURVEY and let me know you did!
Giveaway open until 8/22 and Winner announced 8/23
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