What's Your Morning Routine? Day 6 with Lara Casey.


Natalie & I put together a fun project for The Influence Conference THIS THURSDAY! We asked 6 bloggers who will be attending the conference to share their morning routines with us. We equipped them with our Latte Mug + Spoon sets to kick start their mornings!

I have shared a blogger a day leading up to the conference and now I am leaving TOMORROW!!  I can't wait to be off to meet new people, get inspired, worship & have a great time in Indiana!

To wrap up the series, we asked Lara of Lara Casey: What's your morning routine?

"The Lord makes all things new each morning. What a gift!  I love how mornings feel like a clean slate.  I love having my oatmeal and singing hymns with Gracie, setting our hearts on what matters most.  Now she asks to eat my oatmeal too : ) "

Be sure to visit Lara and say hello & follow her on Instagram - Inspiring things happening there! 

Be sure to check out each blogger's routine:

Day 1: Erin of The Blue Eyed Bride.
Day 2: Rachel of Kincaid Parade.
Day 3: Natalie of Busy Budgeting Mama.
Day 4: Kim of Oh Sweet Joy.
Day 5: Jessi of Naptime Diaries.

I am SO excited about Influence!! Are you going?

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