I love the look of window boxes & have always wanted some hanging in my windows! They can be rather expensive though, so I opted for the DIY route!
4- 1" x 8" x 8' Cedar Boards (Cedar does not rot like other woods when wet)
2 1/2" wood screws (for outdoor use)
4- L brackets (mine were from Lowes)
Potting Soil
Pretty Flowers
When I decided to start them, the hubby was not home & I had never used a power saw before. But I put my big girl pants on & went to town! I have to say, I was pretty darn proud of myself!
I measured the windows to see how long I wanted to make my window boxes, you will want to do the same. My boxes were 35" long.
Then I cut out all 4 sides and drilled them together at each corner. I was not worried about them being perfect or square...I love rustic!
I made sure my box was the same width as my 8" board (which I found out the hard way is not exactly 8"?!) so I did not have to "rip" the board, I could just cut the bottom to size and screw it to my frame.
I then drilled 3 holes in the bottom of each box for drainage so the plants don't get flooded & die. Now they are ready for flowers!

I chose petunias because they are my hubby's favorite and they do so well this time of year! I picked a variety and added some wave petunias so they would grow out over the box and give it a nice, full look.
Since I didn't want to ruin the siding, I enlisted my brother in law, Ian, to help us drill into our siding and hang the boxes. (I don't love the L brackets I got, but they did not have the nice wrought iron ones I wanted...I am still looking for some to replace these ones.)