DIY Menu Chalkboard


 I am terrible at organizing dinners. 
Ask my Husband.
So I thought making a menu chalkboard might help. 
That way I can keep track of what I want to make 
and jot down what I need to buy to do it!

 I started with my chalkboard I got a couple years ago at Ikea.
Cleaned it up good so the vinyl would stick.

 I cut the word Menu & added a frame with my Silhouette.

 Then I used my pampered chef small cutting board (LOL) to smooth out the vinyl on the board.

I did the same thing with the letters for the days of the week.

 And there you go, easy peasy! 
Notice there is no Saturday or Sunday...
This Mommy tends to take a break those days!
We either eat out or visit family and eat with them!

I will be linking up to these great blog parties!

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